Friday, July 8, 2011

Would you like jam with that toast??


This is somewhat of a sequel to my Obama's toast, enjoy him while you can! post.

Today was the final nail in the coffin! To all Obama supporters, he's done, finished, gone! Accept it. The American people are too obsessed with tabloids and fluff to have the knowledge required to realize that this bad economy is not his fault.

No doubt the top CEO's of corporations and their hedge fund managers were all giving each other high fives when the unemployment numbers came out today. Only 18,000 jobs created(100,000 was expected) and the unemployment rate jumped up to 9.2 percent.

Obama will not be re-elected! His own liberal base hates him(many have said they will not support him), the republican voters will turn out in droves to defeat him regardless of who the republican nominee is, corporations will be able to influence the general public into voting for their republican puppets, unions have been weakened state to state, and the independent voter is too busy watching "American Idol" and "Gossip Girl" to know what the hell is going on!

So we need to realize that the REAL presidential election is going on right now. The republican primary, whoever wins will be the next president! One of these next three people will be the next President...
1. Mitt Romney
Hi, I'm Troy I mean
Mitt Romney!
The similarities between Mitt and Troy are truly strange........

2. Michelle Bachmann
Michelle "Wont someone please think

The uppity snooty wife of the preacher, sounds like Bachmann to me!

of the children!" Bachmann!

3. Rick Perry
Governor Rick"Yeehaaw!"

So their you have it. Mark my words, one of those three will be the next president! In my opinion this country doesn't deserve Obama. The old saying is"You reap what you sow." We Americans are a spoiled, fickle, unruly bunch, all of us! We are reaping what we sow.

People on the right hate him because he's a communist, socialist, terrorist, Muslim, black man!
People on the left hate him because he's a traitor, pussy, weak, DINO, wimpy guy!
People in the middle hate him because he "hasn't made the economy good again yet!?"
We deserve any one of those three republicans, they represent us all far better than Obama does! Now where did I put my Canada map?

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