Oh, you wanted to see more finished Civil War Blocks?
Sorry to disappoint, but I do not have any to show!
My friend Elaine and I meet once every week or so and cut out the blocks. No, wait, reverse that, SHE cuts out the blocks, I iron the fabric (tough job but someone has to do it)!
Elaine has made, all by hand, pieced and quilted the Dear Jane Quilt. It is stunning. But as she was working on the quit she came up with a great plan to keep all the blocks organized.
My friend Elaine and I meet once every week or so and cut out the blocks. No, wait, reverse that, SHE cuts out the blocks, I iron the fabric (tough job but someone has to do it)!
Elaine has made, all by hand, pieced and quilted the Dear Jane Quilt. It is stunning. But as she was working on the quit she came up with a great plan to keep all the blocks organized.
I am sooo into organization, now stop that, really I am!
So, we pick a block, pick the fabrics we like, Elaine cuts, I watch!
Then we put the numbered block with the layout directions together
They go into a sheet protector
And into a 3 ring binder.
Yep, I knew I had been saving this Little Mermaid Binder for YEARS for a reason~!
All in one place safe and secure! This is going to be my take along project. You know, waiting in the car, watching sporting events, sitting on the beach (yeah, like I would quilt if I was at a beach)! I am doing mine by blocks by hand. I feel I can match the pieces better if I take my time and do not zip them through the sewing machine.
All in one place safe and secure! This is going to be my take along project. You know, waiting in the car, watching sporting events, sitting on the beach (yeah, like I would quilt if I was at a beach)! I am doing mine by blocks by hand. I feel I can match the pieces better if I take my time and do not zip them through the sewing machine.
So, for right now, we are just cutting, sorting and talking as we “work”
Have a happy weekend!
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