PETA Activists. Part I
“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an American animal rights organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, and led by Ingrid Newkirk, its international president. A non-profit corporation with 300 employees and two million members and supporters, it says it is the largest animal rights group in the world. Its slogan is «animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment».Playboy Playmate Kimberly Hefner poses with a poster for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ad campaign November 16, 2001 in Culver City, CA. The campaign introduces Hefner in a scanty Uncle Sam costume with the message “I want YOU to go vegetarian”.
Founded in March 1980 by Newkirk and animal rights activist Alex Pacheco, the organization first caught the public's attention in the summer of 1981 during what became known as the Silver Spring monkeys case, a widely publicized dispute about experiments conducted on 17 macaque monkeys inside the Institute of Behavioral Research in Silver Spring, Maryland. The case lasted ten years, involved the only police raid on an animal laboratory in the United States, triggered an amendment in 1985 to that country's Animal Welfare Act, and established PETA as an internationally known organization. Since then, in its campaigns and undercover investigations, it has focused on four core issues — opposition to factory farming, fur farming, animal testing, and animals in entertainment — though it also campaigns against fishing, the killing of animals regarded as pests, the keeping of chained backyard dogs, cock fighting, dog fighting, and bullfighting”. – Wikipedia
Demonstrators from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) rally partially naked as they protest the fur industry November 29, 2001 in front of the White House in Washington, DC.
Wearing little more than strategically placed lettuce leaves, vegetarian Playboy centerfolds Julie McCullough and Rebekka Armstrong pose for a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) poster to promote meat-free hot dogs July 2000.
Actress Alicia Silverstone in “Divinyl” urges people to wear “fake, for the animals sake” for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Web site in this undated photo.
Drag queen icon Lypsinka stars in the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) 2001campaign promoting vegetarianism.
(L-R) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) members Marci Hansen, Kim Dewester & Jennifer Knox stage a naked protest outside the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) April 25, 2002 in Washington, DC. The protesters called on EPA Administrator Christine Whitman to stop using animals to test for the agency's high production volume (HPV) chemical-testing program.
Protesters from the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sit in cages in front of the White House as police officers look on, March 19, 2002 in Washington, DC. PETA is protesting how Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus treats its animals.
Singer P!nk is shown in a poster for PETA promoting a fur-free NYC nightclub, the Centro-Fly in this undated photograph.
The poster with model Traci Bingham advertising “PETA's Bare-All Summer Campaign” July 11, 2002 at Suite 16 in New York City. Traci Bingham features in the July issue of Gear magazine using her body as a butcher's diagram showing the various cuts of meat on her body.
Pop singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor holds the body of a skinned fox in this advertisement for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) released on PETA's Website November 12, 2002. Mary McCartney Donald, the daughter of former Beatle Paul McCartney, photographed Ellis-Bextor for the ad.
PETA Mermaid Karla Waples and sidekick Freeda Fish poses with signs at South Street Seaport November 12, 2002 in New York City. PETA (People for the Ethical Tratment of Animals) is protesting fish consumption.
Protesters from Peta disrupt the 2002 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show while model Gisele Bundchen walks the runway at the Lexington Avenue Armory in New York City, 11/14/02.
Actress Pamela Anderson poses in a poster for animal rights group PETA in this undated handout photo. Anderson's poster has been made into a billboard and is displayed in New York's Times Square where PETA Lettuce Ladies were handing out free McVeggie burgers March 7, 2003 beneath the billboard to promote a meat-free diet.
American Idol contestant Vanessa Olivarez appears at the unveiling of her advert sponsored by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (P.E.T.A.) advocating an anti-fur lifestyle April 16, 2003, near Macy's in New York City.
Holly Fraser, painted as a tiger and member of the PETA organization, cages herself in protest of the treatment of circus tigers at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus at the Zocalo May 2, 2003 in Mexico City.
New York City police officers arrest animal rights activists who attempted to enter the offices of Vogue Magazine during a protest by People For The Ethnical Treatment of Animals (PETA) June 2, 2003 in New York City. PETA activists poured red ink over fur coats to protest the use of animal fur in the fashion industry as well as the support of fur use by Vogue Magazine.
Survivor winner Jenna Morasca poses with PePe her pet chihuahua during the unveiling of PETA's, “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” new anti-fur ad featuring Jenna Morasca on July 11, 2003.
Musician Chrissie Hynde (L) is arrested as she participates in a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) demonstration outside a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant July 16, 2003 in Paris, France. PETA has filed a lawsuit against KFC in the U.S., accusing the fast-food chain of misleading the public about the treatment of the chickens its suppliers provide.
Cover Model Fernanda Tavares helps PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) unveil its new ad at Bryant Park during the 7th on Sixth Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week on September 16, 2003 in New York City.
Four male models from London's Images Modelling agency pose in front of a banner to promote PETA's campaign “Bare Skin, Not Bear Skin” October 21, 2003 in London. PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals) are campaining against the The Household Guards bear skin hats that can use as many as two entire bear hides to make just one hat.
Actress Persia White attends the unveiling of PETA's fall anti-fur campaign featuring a graphic photo of the actress holding the dead body of a skinned fox at CineSpace on November 21, 2003 in Hollywood, California.
Protesters from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) demonstrate during Olympus Fashion Week in Bryant Park February 10, 2004 in New York City.
Model Imogen Bailey poses nude with a rabbit for an anti-fur advert for PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in Sydney, Australia.
PETA anti-fur campaigners demonstrate against model Cindy Crawford at 1200 Sunset Marquis August 26, 2004 in Los Angeles, California. Cindy, who once posed for PETA's anti-fur campaign in the 90's is now due to appear in a fur trade ad this fall.
Members of PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals) protest wearing sheep masks outside the Australian embassy October 7, 2004 in London. The protest claims that the practice of live exports of sheep from Australia and New Zealand is cruel.
PETA protesters demonstrate outside a Benetton clothing store on Fifth Avenue with a flock of wooden sheep December 15, 2004 in New York City. The protesters called for Benetton to stop selling garments made of allegedly “cruelly obtained” Australian wool.
South Korean police arrest Christina Cho, a member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) during a protest at a MyungDong shopping district on January 7, 2005 in Seoul, South Korea. The demonstration was organized by PETA to protest against the use of fur in clothing.
Former Basketball Player Dennis Rodman Unveils Peta Ad during Fashion Week at Bryant Park on Feburary 7, 2005 in New York City.
Anti-fur activists hold signs protesting Jennifer Lopez's use of fur in her clothing designs outside the MTV Studios during her appearance on TRL May 2, 2005 in New York City.
A tourist stops to photograph protesters from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) demonstrating outside the Spanish Embassy June 21, 2005 in Washington, DC. PETA was demonstrating against the annual running of the bulls in Pamplona which they believe leads to cruel and inhumane treatment of animals.
A South Korean member of the People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), holds a placard during a protest against South Koreans eating dog meat, which took place in front of the dog meat market on July 24, 2005 in Sungnam, South Korea.
Actress Roselyn Sanchez arrives at PETA's 15th Anniversary Gala and Humanitarian Awards at Paramount Studios on September 10, 2005 in Hollywood, California.
An unidentified PETA activist holds a banner reading “Fur Kills” during the D&G's Spring/Summer 2006 women's collection at Milan's fashion week on September 26, 2005 in Milan.
Brandi Valladolid (L) and Christina Cho (R), members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), protest in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) near the City Hall on October 24, 2005 in Seoul, South Korea. They and other demonstrators from the PETA protest to pressure KFC to eliminate abuses that chickens suffer on the factory farms and in the slaughter houses: live scalding, life long crippling and debarking.
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