Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Sometimes I am struck by a smell, yes a smell that brings back my childhood.
When I was a little girl we lived in Chicago, in a two flat, popular in the “50’s”. We had a basement, the first level was our two bedroom home and my Grandmother lived upstairs in her two bedroom home.
Our backyard had plum trees and lilac bushes. My mother would make plum jelly every year and in May she would bring armloads of fresh lilacs into our home. The smell was pure Heaven.

Nope not our yard!!!

Later we all moved to where I still live now and when my husband and I built our home my parent bought us 10 lilac bushes to line our back yard. We have lived in this home for 25 years and you would think they would be huge and full of blooms, but alas, no, our back yard is a northern exposure and we have woods, do the pesky 100+ year old oak trees they provide to much shade for our bushes to flourish.

But to this day I adore that smell and the memories it brings.

Nope not our blooms!

One more special “smell” from my childhood…
Jergens lotion, the original scent. In these bottles (Thank you Samm)

Oh my how I love this smell and how it takes me back to simpler times……

Yes I did get something done at my machine!!
My June block for the Bee There or Bee Square Bee.

Any wonderful, warm, happy "Memory" smells for you to share?

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