The most pessimistic, depressing, discouraging words ever uttered by a U.S. president. Clint Reaganwood told this to the country the moment he was sworn in to office in 1980 and America's morale has limped on ever since. No I wasn't born yet but I do know the devastating result of telling your countrymen who are in a deep recession(much like now) that,"Your government is this terrible, horrible, evil entity from the planet Washington D.C. and is not to be trusted." Ever since that dreary day America has drifted ever further to the radical right! To the point that it is just part of our social identity:
- Big Government=bad
- low taxes=good
- unions=bad
- corporate welfare=good
- protest=bad
- conformity=good
- liberal=bad
- conservative=good
Really? Seriously? Ya more drilling is going to solve our dependence and addiction to oil. It isn't oil company propaganda, not at all! You're crazy. This saying is code for," oil companies know best and alternative energy sources are just plain evil!" Now I understand that oil whether you like it or not, is here to stay(until we run out). No other energy source even comes close to competing with the energy oil produces. But does this mean that we should just accept being at the mercy of the oil companies? Does anybody even care that oil prices will continue to go up? Does anybody even care that the oil companies are the most profitable industry in the history of man kind yet they continue to get millions of dollars of tax payer subsidies?
When Sarah the Palin uttered these words during the last election I laughed to myself thinking, nobody will buy this. I mean think of how gitty with joy Wienerschnitzel would be if ,"chili cheese dogs baby, chili cheese dogs!" became a national rallying cry to solve our countries obesity problem! Yet we as a dumbed down society have bought in to this idiotic right winged, corporate propaganda! And it makes me have to run to the toilet right now and puke my guts out so hold on a minute, I'll be right back.
This is code for" The government is a bad, bad entity that steals your hard earned money away from you!" Look I hate taxes just like most everybody else but that's the price we pay to live in this great, great country we live in. So what? We're all proud to be an American until we have to invest in America? It's like going to your favorite restaurant and enjoying your favorite meal and then being pissed off at having to pay for the great food and service you enjoyed.(I'm well aware that happens often but you see my point.)Plus imagine if we all got what we wanted and we all were no longer taxed ever never again! Ahhh, yes, no more taxes. No more:
- social security
- medicare
- medicaid
- freeways
- law-enforcement
- jails and prisons
- social programs
- social transportation
- libraries
- postal service
- military
- national parks
- debt relief programs
- schools
- mental help facilities
- president of the Untied States of America
- House of Representatives
- Senate
- Supreme Court
- Laws
- States
- the list could literally go on and on and on
Now before you all have a heart attack just know that I could never be brave enough to do the things that our troops do. I simply could not leave my family to another country for months or even years with the possibility of not coming home alive. I am supportive of my fellow county men and women who serve over seas and am in awe of them. With that said, America, you all seem to have such a hard on for troops! I mean my god! What support our troops really is saying is, "support the rigid old war mongers who recklessly throw our brave soldiers in to unnecessary, unending, bankrupting wars without a plan to get out!"Any argument, criticism, or questions of the current wars are immediately met with,"support out troops!"from the radical right or even just society in general.
Should we really be going to war wit, SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! But Iraq had nothing to do with nine elev, SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! Can we afford th, SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! What about the, SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! I've got news for you Teapublicans, WAR DOES NOT ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE! We're no longer in the olden days when war was necessary to keep other countries from invading. I do think that we need weapons and a military to tell other countries to not mess with us! But going in to other countries guns a blazin' will never solve anything! This is one of my few sore spots with Obama, get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan! I supported his move with Libia but I hope he doesn't listen to dear John and increase our presence there! Lets get in and stop genocide from happening and get the hell out. We're not the world's police! Support our troops is one of the most vile, evil, god awful sayings that have ever been created by the war happy warlords on the radical right! And who ever buys in to this saying is either naive and uninformed, or a war happy bully. As good as the words support our troops sounds, it is not at all being supportive of our men and women fellow Americans who serve their country. It's being supportive of the rigid old men who have their own twisted propaganda and use our fellow citizens as pawns to accomplish their means.
This saying has been such a sore spot for me for such a long time. I even tried to embrace it at one point thinking that I was the problem, not the saying. But the second you buy in to this truly awful saying, you're giving up your voice to the rich, powerful, and corrupt. Why isn't their a national rallying cry for
- support our stay at home moms!
- support our working class!
- support our teachers!
- support our counselors!
- support our single parents!
- support the voiceless!
- support our firemen and police!
- support the ones who are without hope!
- support our unsung heroes!
Because they don't have the rich and powerful using them as pawns to achieve what they so desire more than anything else, more riches, and more power.
This is code for," we are a white christian, gun toting, homophobic, racist country and god damn those who think otherwise! This country isn't theirs it's ours!" Whenever I hear this saying I feel sick to my stomach! And this may not have topped my list a few years or even a year ago! But this was the rallying cry from the Republican party in the 2010 midterm elections and guess what? Society as a whole bought it! The Republican party destroyed the Democratic party in the voting booth by crying lets take our country back! I work with people who are convinced that diversity is bad and unwelcome. I work with people who have disdain and yes, hatred for people who:
- aren't white
- eat veggies
- drive Eco-friendly cars
- vote other than Republican
- are open minded
- treat woman with respect
- believe in government as a good thing
- believe that cruelty to animals is wrong and immoral
- watch movies that aren't macho
- drink Shasta
- eat veggies(I know I've already listed this but you have no idea how much shit I get when I eat something that isn't meat or chips for lunch)
- speak different languages
- practice non-Mormon religion
- protest against corporations
- try hard to be honest and just
- are gay or lesbian
- don't like the same sports teams they like
- don't like the same TV shows they like
- don't like guns
- celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day
- celebrate Earth day
- the list goes on and on really but you get my point!
Let's take our country back! is a far cry from JFK. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Let's take back our country! is,"ask not what you can do for your country, expect your country to hate like you do." I am grateful to the generations before me who gave their blood, sweat, and tears to make this country what it is today. I'm grateful that I didn't have to grow up in constant fear that I wasn't racist enough, or Christian enough, or Capitalist enough, or Chauvinist enough. If you weren't a white, Christian, racist, man in the olden days life sucked for you! You were mocked, belittled, beaten, hung, whipped, owned, or killed! Let's take our country back to that? No thanks.
This country is where it is today because heroes were killed, hearts were broken, blood was spilled, and politically tough legislation was passed. I don't want to hear "Lets take our country back!" ever again! I want to hear "Lets move our country forward!"...........
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