Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Je Pense, Donc Je Suis: The 7 Layers of Reality

The universe is divided in 7 layers. This layers are made by weave and particle, by sound and color, by matter and energy, by consciousness and thought

The higher the layer the higher the vibration or frecuency and higher the conscience. The slowest and dense of the channels is the 1, the one we are in. This frecuency allows the embodyment and the tangible properties of matter, it is a mean to evolve through emotions.

According to this theory, it all began with the Void. The Void is All being everything it can be continously in a non-time state. In other words the Void existed before time and it was all the things being everything they could be infinitely.

I know its hard to understand it, its natural to not understand life without time, but we know ever had to have a beggining, the problem is to understand the trigger of time.

Ok, we passed the hard part. Now, suddenly the Void thougth, it realize it exits, cogito ergo sum, the moment it thought was the first moment, the time was created.

At the same time the Time was created the Space was also created, so the Universe, and so the Existence. Everything started by the thought of the Void. Now, after the Void took conscience of it existence it created a reflexive or secondary conscience, (just like ours, which tell us when something is wrong or right), between the primary conscience and this secondary conscience the Universe took place. So we all are part of the greater and supreme conscience. God.

So the important point of this theory is the statement that matter and energy, wave and particle are the result of  consciousness and thought. So mind can, not only disrupt and collpase matter, but also create it.

Then a journey started; the journey of involution, imagine the universe then like a sphere travelling towards itself. The universe, formed by seven layers of reality, was run by this conscience. Why? because the elementary need of the conscience: To Make Known The Unknown.

And so it is our greatest need and our greatest fear the same. "Ironic the life of the frog, because everything it need is inside the pool it is afraid to get in."

When finally reached the first plane or layer, something very special happened; all could be materialized, all could become tangible, all could then be tasted and touched: The embodiment is possible at last. And a series of things came by this, such things knowns as emotions.

And in this plane starts another journey called Evolution, the journey back to the ultimate conscience, to be one with the universe, to be as close to God as possible, to be one with the ultimate conscience, omnipresent, omniscient, the ultimate state.

So basically the ultimate law of physic tells us that everything will be one thing, at the end, all will be one like before the beginning, so the Void is the beginning and so it is the end, the alpha and the omega. We came from God, we are part of God and we will be one with God. Like Ramtha says, we are God. Beautiful.

There are 7 seals in the body, relative with the 7 chakras, each seals represent one layer of reality. The first three seals of the body are the ones that rule the drama of our life, the pain, the pleasure, it represent the most material aspect of consciousness, the most material aspect of man. When we reach to open the 4th seal, well, then everything changes. When reached the fourth seal the self becomes a higher self.

The famous German philosopher and classical philologist Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche described in detail this evolution of man in his book "Also Sprach Zarathustra" (Thus Spoke Zarathustra), released in 1883. He describes that man is just a mean between the "apes" and the "Ubermensch" (Overman), therefore, the evolution of man continues and even the Ubermensch continue evolving.

So how do we get to open the fourth seal? Well, there are several schools of meditation, teaching, yoga and more, but the basic principle of these teachings is to understand that we are God. (Dont misunderstand, when speaking of God it is not refferd to any religion. When refered to "God" in this article and blog, is sopken of the ultimate consciousness it has been previously mentioned). So understanding this let you manipulate reality, let you transcend, let you evolve. You go beyond all man can.

No boubt that the fist principle of this theory is from RenĂ© Descartes: Je Pense, Donc Je Suis; Cogito, Ergo Sum; Pienso, luego o por ende, existo; I Think, then or therefore, I Exist.The theory of the involution can be studied in the Meher Baba writings. 

Meher Baba was an indian mystic and sipiritual master born in Merwan in 1894, who declare publicly in 1954 as the Avatar of the age.

Also the in the book of Nietzsche we can go in detail in terms has the Overman and the Will to Power, that is basically the hidden power of the mind we all forget how to use.

But mostly this article reffer to the master theory of the philosopher Ramtha, specially the first of a 4-book collection titled: "The History of Human Civilization" from the collection called: "Relfections of a Master on the History of Man Kind".

Coming Soon: The Creation

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