"If we were created by the Annunaki, who created the
Sumerian Texts
It al began 455,000 years ago...
Yes, long time ago...
The Earth in those days had a atmosphere alike Venus,
full of clouds so dense that nobody from Earth
could see the Sun or the stars.
The only difference is that this clouds were made of water,
so dense that is described has the ocean of the sky.
By the properties of this atmosphere,
all the heat from the Sun was distributed
almost equally in all the parts of the Earth globe.

This allowed a perfect enviroment for life: The Jungles; tremendous trees, enormous insects and gigantic reptiles. The Dinasours. And of course, The Homo-erectus and primitive man.
Our Earth, that was much more richer than now of course, abounded in minerals specially gold, a mineral very treasured by its properties of conduction and reflection of heat and light, properties that a very far-away-from-the-Sun-planet civilization found back then, very functional.

The planet "X" as many people may remember, or "Nibiru" as the Sumerian ancient culture recorded in their culture, language and texts. Is not sure the exact time of this planet orbit, can be 35,000 years or 3,600. What we do know are the ones who inhabits in it: The Anunnanaki, Annunaki or Ananaki.
They are enormous, humanoids and reptiles. Yes, reptiles. And they came to Earth in search of gold to help them in their atmosphere problem. So far away from the Sun they was in need of heat and light, and seems that gold in micro particles dispersed all over their atmosphere will reflect more heat and more light and thus, solve the problem.
I Present to You: The Annunaki

To describe to you in the most clear way what a Niburian is I will quote Mr. Robertino Solàrion in one of his investigations back in 1995. In his article he describes the differences between humans and Niburians. Here we go:
N:Third and fourth dimensional, with access at the highest levels of the fifth.
H:Third dimensional only (with certain exceptions!)
N:Reptilian in species, advanced lizard-like appearance
H:Mammalian in species, advanced ape-like appearance
N:Larger body structure at about 15 feet, or 5 meters tall
H:Smaller body structure
N:Ageless as adult, long.lived
H:Aging, graying, short-lived
N:Red, golden, green, blue, brown skin pigmentations
H:White, tan, brown, black skin pigmentations
N:Blue-black, petroleum-based blood
H:Brigth-red, saltwater-based blood

N:Hairless body surfaces
H:Hairy body surfaces
N:Abundant facial hair on males
H:Scant facial hair on males
N:Baldness gene from female to male
H:No baldness gene
N:Cool-blooded with no need for sweating
H:Warm-blooded with sweat.cooling mechanism
N:Lack of body odours
H:Bacterial body odours
N:Periodic hibernation at the Oort Cloud
N:Offspring incubated in external hardshell eggs
H:Offspring incubated internally in mother´s womb
N:Internal genitalia on males
H:External genitalia on males

N:No pubic hair
H:External pubic hair
N:Absence of need for urination
H:Frequent urination
N:Hard, dry excrement
H:soft, moist excrement
N:Presence of tails, primarily on males
H:Absence of tails
N:Presence of horns, primarily on males
H:Absence of horns
N:Presence of wings, primarily on females
H:Absence of wings
N:Up to seven fingers and toes
H:five fingers and toes
N:Long, claw-like fingernails
H:Short,smooth fingernails

N:Gold teeth & silver bones
H:Calcium/phosphorus teeth & bones
N:Multiple pupils in each eye
H:One pupil in each eye
N:Primarily vegetarian in dietary habits
H:Primarily carnivorous in dietary habits
N:No desire or instinct to wear clothing (Only for "adornment")
H:Instinct to wear clothing (for lack of other "outer skin")
N:Propensity to Sun tan
H:Propensity to Sun burn
N:Susceptibility to frostbit
H:Resistance to frostbite
But by far, the most remarkable aspect of the Annunaki was indeed the creation of man.

Article # 13
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