Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Dogon:The Tribe that Stunned the World (Last Part)

Sirius A, B and C

As we have been seen in the last articles Po Tolo is the name the Dogon gave to Sirius B; the invisible star to the human eye discovered in 1862 with the help of a telescope. An impossible discovery wich they knew since ancestral times. According to them this and other, astonishing, knowledge and wisdom was taught by the Nommos. The Nommos are hermaproditic, half fish - half man creatures who came from the Sirius star system to Earth.

Surprising has it may hear, the Dogon says there is a third star conforming the Sirius Star system. This third star is called by them has Emme Tolo. This star is not yet discovered.

You will see how Dogon mythology can be very deep. I will make the comparison of this ancentral kowledge of them and the "Sacred Geometry", quantum physics and reproduction.

The Sacred Geometry is basiclly a complex system of geometric symbols and meassures that can be found even in nature architectonical design of things. At the end of the day what the Sacred Geometry tells us is that this reality is a hollographic bio-genetic experiment based on linear time to experience emotions. Is a well formed hypothesis that may give an explaintion for the understandig of the Universe.

It All Starts Here: The Flower of life

The flower of life basic symbol of the Sacred Geometry is a figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arreanged so that they form a flower-like pattern with a sixfold symmetry like a hexagon. The centre of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter.(6 around 1, 12 around 1, 36 around 1).

In this structure we can see many others symbologies of the cultures around the world like the Tree of Life, The Metatron`s Cubethe Eye of Ra, the Mandalas, Hermes Trimegistus, Star of David.

It all begins with a Rotating Octahedron. An octahedron is a eigth-sided geometrical figure; like a dice with 8 sides. (The number 8 correspond to the process forming the Zygote).

This rotating Octahedron forms an specrical octhaedron. It appears to be speherical because of the rapid rotation of the eight-sided figure.

As the days pass is added one circle to the figure until the day 6th. This day of creation is the day when God created man. And in the sixth day the flower of life is fully fomred creating in its center The Seed of Life. Analyzing this images above is ovbius that many of them we recognized from our daily lives: The MasterCard logo, the celtic triplet and Olympic Games logo are examples of these.

What is curious is the strinking resemblance of the Sirius star system to Vesica Piscis. What is the probability of coincidence that a culture that worships a star system as the origin of creation, to have the same structure that the first day of creation stablished by the sacred geometry?

Comparing the Modern structure of Electron Orbits with Dogon Science thaugth by Nommo.

Laird Scranton is an independent softweare designer who became interested in the Dogon mythology and symbolism in the nearly 90s. He has studied ancient myth, languaje, and cosmology for nearly 10 years and has been a lecturer at Colgate University.

Mr. Scranton had done much research about the Dogon symbolgy. Thru his researches he found the great similarity of the Dogon and Egyptian symbology. At comparing this symbols with modern quantum physics theories, such as Stephen Hawking, he found mind-blowing symilarities. Our modern science is rudimentary compared with theirs

Remember, they know this thousands of years B.C.

The Dogon have symbols, like the one above, which show, in this case, exactly the structure of the orbits of the electrons surrounding the atom. Here are more of the Dogon analysis:

Octahedron. Eight. 4 Twins.
Sacred Geometry.
Dogon high Science.
 Modern Quantum Physic.
I dont think so.

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