An American flag that was repaired after it was destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York was shown at the Old State House in Hartford on Tuesday for Flag Day. (Tom Lewis, Fox CT)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Stitch The National 9/11 Flag
Jerry Odom is a DAR member and co-chair of the Veteran’s committee for the Brunswick Town Chapter of the DAR. Ella Maugans nominated Jerry to be an Official Stitcher for The National 9/11 Flag at the annual 4th of July Ceremony in Southport, NC. Jerry is an active member of her community working with her church, missions, teaching, sewing, quilting and for her involvement with the DAR and Veterans. Photographs in this article were contributed by Ella Maugans.
9/11 Flag Flies for Tucson Shooting Victims
A flag that survived the September 11, 2001 terror attacks and has since traveled the country as a symbol of hope flew over Tucson this morning.
It helped mark the six-month anniversary of the January 8 shooting rampage that claimed 6 lives and injured 13 others. Firefighters from Tucson's Northwest Fire Department helped the Fire Department of the City of New York unfold and raise the flag over the Safeway supermarket parking lot where the violence took place. A small crowd gathered there for a moment of silence; the community continued its remembrance later in the day at Centennial Hall on the University of Arizona campus.
The flag once flew near the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York, where it sustained heavy damage from falling debris during the 9/11 attacks. It was then removed and stored until 2008, when the New York Says Thank You Foundation took it to a tornado-stricken Kansas town. While Foundation volunteers helped rebuild the town, townspeople stitched the flag back together.
The flag has since been stitched by schoolchildren who survived the Ft. Hood shooting, World War II veterans who were on the deck of the USS Missouri during the Pearl Harbor attack, and countless other survivors of disaster. It was last in Tucson when it was raised outside the funeral service for Christina-Taylor Green, a nine-year-old victim of the Tucson shooting born on 9/11.
The 9/11 Honor Guard
The anniversary of 9/11 is fast approaching.
Even though the media annually reminds us, to one degree or another, about the events of that horrific day when innocent American citizens and our country were attacked by an act of war, we as individuals need to do more than just sit in front of the television. Each of us needs to take a proactive step to honor the memories of those we lost and to support their families.
I urge you to join what I like to call the "9/11 Honor Guard" with one simple action. On the morning of 9/11, please hoist the American flag at every home, apartment, and business. Spread the word between now and that momentous date, so that on that day, the flag will wave from shore to shore across America.
Skydivers' Breathtaking Tribute To 9/11 Victims
(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Memorial: Photographer Norman Kent and nine members of Team Fastrax released the flags at 10:28am local time in Middletown, Ohio, on Sunday.
Memorial: Photographer Norman Kent and nine members of Team Fastrax released the flags at 10:28am local time in Middletown, Ohio, on Sunday.
'It Was An Emotional Moment': Skydivers' Breathtaking Tribute To 9/11 Victims As 10 U.S. Flags Are Released From Sky Above Airport -- Daily Mail
* Touching 9/11 memorial event held by Team Fastrax over Middletown Regional Airport in Ohio
* Crowd of 10,000 watched skydivers jump from plane at 9,500ft, with some members ex-military
* Flags released at 10:28am local time to mark when second World Trade Center tower collapsed
* Skydivers were hoping to hold event in New York but could not due to airspace restrictions
The 10 stars and stripes floated in the air as a skydiving team came up a unique way of marking the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Photographer Norman Kent and nine members of Team Fastrax released the flags at 10:28am local time in Middletown, Ohio, on Sunday.
This marked the 10th anniversary of the time when the second World Trade Center tower collapsed during the terror attacks on September 11 in 2001.
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My Comment: Impressive.
Muslim - Christian Violence Escalates In Indonesia
Two hundred special police were helping to maintain order in Indonesia's eastern Maluku province Monday after rioting between Muslims and Christians that left three people dead and scores injured.
Authorities said police fired into a crowd in the city of Ambon Sunday to dispel rival groups who were fighting with rocks and machetes. Indonesia's chief security minister called on all parties in the city to help calm the situation.
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More News On Indonesia's Sectarian Violence
Troops sent after deadly clashes in Indonesia's Ambon -- BBC
Indonesia sends in police after Ambon clash -- AFP
Indonesia sends troops to eastern region after sectarian clashes kill 5, injure 150 -- Washington Post
Indonesia Sends Troops to Quell Clashes -- Time/AP
Moluccas: three dead and 60 wounded in clashes between Christians and Muslims -- Asia News
Indonesia sends troops to quell sectarian clashes -- Seattle PI/AP
Three Options For Peace Between Israel And The Palestinians
Mapping Mideast Peace -- David Makovsky, New York Times
A two-state solution is the only viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and therefore negotiators must take a close look at the land swaps necessary for a negotiated settlement. These maps outline three possible land-swap scenarios, followed by a map of the Geneva Initiative for comparison. The core principle of these swaps is to reconcile the Palestinian demand for a return to the pre-1967 lines with Israel’s desire to include as many of the West Bank’s 300,000 settlers in Israel proper as possible. Any feasible scenario must include Israel's granting Palestinians arable land from within Israel’s pre-1967 border in exchange for annexed settlement blocs (clusters of settlements). It is essential that, for any land annexed by Israel as part of a deal, Palestinians receive equal amounts of land.
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My Comment: Unfortunately .... I do not see a ground swell of support for a peace agreement in either Israel or those in the "Palestinian" territories. And for the U.S., they are now faced with this approaching lose-lose situation.
Civil War In Libya -- News Updates September 12, 2011
Flight Of The Gaddafis: Another Son Flees Across The Border Into Niger -- Daily Mail
*37-year-old son 'has no status' in Niger - not guaranteed refugee status
* One of most high-profile figures to cross from Libya
* Over 80% of Niger covered by Sahara Desert
* Former head of the regime's external intelligence service captured in Tripoli
* Gaddafi promises 'prettiest girls' in Bani Walid as reward for fighting
Following last week's news that a convoy of dozens of vehicles trucked south from Libya to neighbouring Niger, carrying Muammar Gaddafi's closest supporters - if not the 69-year-old despot himself - it has been reported that one of his sons has also now crossed the border.
A government spokesman for the large, landlocked West African country - over 80 per cent of which is the Sahara Desert - confirmed that 37-year-old Saadi Gaddafi, a former footballer in Italy, has also fled.
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More News On Libya's Civil War
Gadhafi issues defiant message after attacks on oil hub -- MSNBC
Stubborn Kadafi rejected reforms as regime fell, insider says -- L.A. Times
One of Qaddafi’s Sons Flees to Niger as New Leaders Focus on Next Steps -- New York Times
Rising tensions among Libya’s new leaders threaten efforts to get country back on track -- Washington Post
Libyan civilians flee key Gadhafi stronghold -- AP
Libyan fighters still face stiff battle for Sirte -- The Telegraph
Libya conflict: New fighting in town of Bani Walid -- BBC
Pro-Gaddafi Forces Kill 17 at Libya Oil Refinery -- New York Times/Reuters
In Flash of Resilience, Qaddafi Loyalists Attack Oil Refinery -- New York Times
Gaddafi son escapes to Niger as fight stalls -- Washington Post
Battles rage as Gaddafi son watched in Niger -- Al Jazeera
Niger faces fall-out from rich relation Libya -- Reuters
Libya Fighters' Push Stalled by Gadhafi Troops -- New York Times/AP
Saadi Gadhafi arrives in Niger as Libyan troops seek to strangle Sirte -- CNN
Libya conflict: Gaddafi's son Saadi 'arrives in Niger' -- BBC
Kadafi son Saadi flees to Niger -- L.A. Times
Libya's interim PM feels the heat -- BBC
China recognizes Libya's new leaders -- Washington Post
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 12, 2011
A World Without 9/11: No President Obama, More China Trouble, Same Debt Crisis -- Michael Lind, Washington Post
Imagine that the twin towers still dominated the Manhattan skyline. Imagine that the Pentagon’s western facade had remained intact. Imagine that there was no reason to build a memorial in Shanksville, Pa. And imagine that the numbers 9 and 11 meant nothing more than an emergency telephone call.
The world changed on Sept. 11, 2001, that much is clear. But how much, and how radically?
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Myth and Reality After 9/11 -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
In Search of the Next Big Attack, Long After 9-11 -- Cal Woodward,
Did Osama Win? -- Andrew Sullivan, Daily Beast/Newsweek
What if the 'Lion' hadn't been slain? -- Farangis Najibullah, Asia Times
Al-Qaeda's zealots of yesteryear turning to politics, democracy -- Doug Saunders, Globe And Mail
U.S. Prepares to Talk to Taliban It Wanted to ‘Destroy’ -- Danger Room
Half a Trillion Dollars of Broken Afghan Dreams -- New York Times/Reuters
9/11 Recalled — Kabul -- Sharifullah Sahak, At War, New York Times
In Afghanistan, tie between 9/11 and the war often gets lost -- Laura King, L.A. Times
Are 3,000 Troops Worse Than None in Iraq? -- Kenneth Pollack, Real Clear World
We Need Troops in Iraq -- Max Boot, Commentary
Egypt’s Botched Revolution -- Michael Totten, Pajamas Media
Beyond Cairo, Israel Sensing a Wider Siege -- Ethan Bronner, New York Times
Britain has travelled steadily towards the edge of the cliff in the years since 9/11 -- Melanie Phillips, Daily Mail
Canada's Oil Sands Are a Jobs Gusher -- Mary Anastasia O'Grady, Wall Street Journal
Europe’s Fiscal Fantasies -- New York Times editorial
Secret Chinese Attempts To Sell Arms To Libya Reveals Internal Chinese Tensions
Secret Bid to Arm Qaddafi Sheds Light on Tensions in China Government -- New York Times
BEIJING — At a United Nations conference in Indonesia this summer, an official of the agency that oversees China’s weapons industry ticked off the hurdles that any proposal to sell Chinese weapons abroad must clear. Among them: arms sales must not alter another nation’s internal security. They must not violate United Nations arms embargoes. And they must win government approval.
“If you want to export a product, you should get permission,” said the official, Wang Feng. “You want to talk to some other country, you ship to the country, you should get permission.”
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My Comment: China has always been an authoritarian country .... anything that is done will be known by someone in the bureaucracy .... and as for arm sales .... the foreign office and the military will (without question) be involved in that. But China is not governed uniformily .... there are different factions and interests involved (i.e. the federal government, the provincial government .... and it even breaks down to the municipal level) .... and even in these factions, there are usually more factions involved.
Button line .... the Libyan case has blown clear on what is becoming an international problem in China .... but my prediction is that until the Chinese Central government and the ruling hierarchy in Beijing itself get involved (which they will not) .... this double dealing will continue.
Getting Ready For Peace Talks With The Taliban?
U.S. Backs Move To Let Taliban Open Headquarters In Qatar In The Hope Of Ending War In Afghanistan -- Daily Mail
Talks to end the 10-year war in Afghanistan could be on the horizon after the U.S. backed a plan to let the Taliban open political headquarters in the Middle East.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is likely to open a base in Qatar before Christmas, The Times said.
It is hoped this will help facilitate peace talks which could lead to a truce with the Taliban.
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Taliban office in Qatar approved by US -- The Australian/Times
US 'backs opening Taliban office in Qatar' -- Herald Sun/AFP
U.S. Offers The Taliban New Middle East Headquarters -- Business Insider
America endorses Taliban office -- RT
Taliban to open its office in Qatar -- Hindustan Times
U.S. Prepares to Talk to Taliban It Wanted to ‘Destroy’ -- Danger Room
My Comment: This is all directed against Pakistan .... they want the Taliban to be as far away as possible from Pakistani influence and direction.
Talks to end the 10-year war in Afghanistan could be on the horizon after the U.S. backed a plan to let the Taliban open political headquarters in the Middle East.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is likely to open a base in Qatar before Christmas, The Times said.
It is hoped this will help facilitate peace talks which could lead to a truce with the Taliban.
Read more ....
More News On The Taliban Opening Their "Public" First Office
Taliban office in Qatar approved by US -- The Australian/Times
US 'backs opening Taliban office in Qatar' -- Herald Sun/AFP
U.S. Offers The Taliban New Middle East Headquarters -- Business Insider
America endorses Taliban office -- RT
Taliban to open its office in Qatar -- Hindustan Times
U.S. Prepares to Talk to Taliban It Wanted to ‘Destroy’ -- Danger Room
My Comment: This is all directed against Pakistan .... they want the Taliban to be as far away as possible from Pakistani influence and direction.
The 9/11 Era By The Numbers
The Dead, The Dollars, The Drones: 9/11 Era By The Numbers -- The Danger
Ever since the Twin Towers fell, the United States has been at war. The costs of that decade of conflict have been unimaginably high: trillions of dollars spent, hundreds of thousands of lives lost. The numbers are almost too big to grasp, let alone quantify. The graphics below are our incomplete attempt to do so.
These figures are also a way of showing the radical transformation the U.S. military has undergone during the 9/11 era. Drones, once an afterthought in tactical plans, have become a central component, flying millions of hours in combat. Special operations forces have added tens of thousands to their ranks. Bomb-resistant armored vehicles, absent from the American arsenal in 2001, are now a primary means of battlefield transportation — even as Afghanistan’s militants find new ways to render them irrelevant.
My Comment: And these costs show no sign of decreasing .... let alone stopping.
U.S. Confirms 4 U.S. Soldiers Are On The Ground In Libya
U.S. Boots On The Ground In Libya, Pentagon Confirms -- FOX News
Despite repeated assurances from President Obama and military leaders that the U.S. would not send uniformed military personnel into Libya, four U.S. service members arrived on the ground in Tripoli over the weekend.
According to Pentagon spokesman Capt. John Kirby, the four unidentified troops are there working under the State Department's chief of mission to assist in rebuilding the U.S. Embassy.
Kirby noted the embassy in Tripoli was badly damaged during the conflict between Muammar Qaddafi's forces and the rebels.
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Update: US team assessing Libya embassy includes 4 military Reuters -- Reuters
My Comment: I suspect that when finally opened, this embassy will be heavily guarded and fortified before the first U.S. diplomat enters the grounds.
Anti-American Cleric Moktada al-Sadr Calls On His Followers To Cease Attacks On US Soldiers
BAGHDAD — The anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr called on his followers on Saturday to cease their attacks on United States military forces in Iraq, saying that he did not want the Americans to have an excuse to remain in the country, according to a statement posted on a Web site of his political party.
But if the American troops do not leave by the end of the year, the attacks should resume, the statement said.
It could not be independently confirmed that the statement was from Mr. Sadr.
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More News On Moktada al-Sadr Calling On His Followers To Suspend Attacks Against U.S. Forces
Iraq's Sadr orders halt to US troop attacks -- AFP
Iraq's Sadr says to halt attacks on U.S. troops -- Reuters
Iraq cleric to followers: Stop attacking US troops -- AP
Iraqi Shi'ite Leader Orders No Attacks On U.S. Troops Ahead Of Pullout -- Radio Free Europe
Anti-American cleric in Iraq asks followers to cease attacks on US troops to hasten withdrawal -- Washington Post
Iraq's Sadr halts militia attack against withdrawing U.S. troop -- Xinhuanet
Iraq cleric says his forces could attack US troops -- Independent
Death Toll In Syrian Uprising Reaches 2,600
U.N. Office: Death Toll In Syria Reaches 2,600 -- CNN
(CNN) -- An adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says parliamentary elections could be held in the country by the end of the year, according to Russian media.
Bouthaina Shaaban, the political and media adviser to al-Assad, was in Moscow on Monday to speak to journalists on the situation in Syria.
"I can tentatively say that such elections may be held either at the end of this year or the beginning of next," Shaaban said, according to the RIA-Novosti news agency.
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More News On Syria's Rising Death Toll After 6 months Of Unrest
In Syria: 2,600 Dead So Far, U.N. Official Says -- NPR
UN: Death Toll In Syria Unrest At Least 2,600 -- NPR/AP
Syria unrest death toll reaches 2,600: UN rights chief -- DAWN/AFP
UN: At Least 2,600 Dead in Syrian Uprising -- Voice of America
UN: 2 600 killed in Syria unrest -- News24
UN: Death toll in Syria unrest at least 2,600 -- Ynet News
Syria: Counting the dead -- Global Post
Russia resists Syria sanctions, U.N. says 2,600 dead -- L.A. Times
Russia Resists Syria Sanctions; UN Says 2,600 Dead -- Radio Free Europe
Afghanistan: Ten Years After 9/11 (Video)
My Comment: A disturbing look at Afghanistan (with small glimmers of hope) after 10 years.
Picture Of The Day
The Tribute in Lights is illuminated in the skyline of lower Manhattan at dusk Sunday. Reuters
Afghanistan War News Updates -- September 12, 2011
Afghanistan Militias And Police 'Committing Abuses' -- BBC
Militias and some units of the new local police in Afghanistan are committing serious human rights abuses, a Human Rights Watch report has said.
It says that they are responsible for crimes including killings, rape, arbitrary detention, abductions and forcible land grabs.
The report says the Afghan government has failed to hold the militias properly to account.
Nato said it was working with the government to examine the findings.
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More News On Afghanistan
US-backed Afghan militias accused of human rights abuses -- The Guardian
Afghan militias, police accused of abuses -- AP
NATO-backed local police terrorising Afghans - report -- Reuters
US-backed Afghan police accused of serious abuses -- AFP
U.S.-backed Afghan police force accused of human rights abuses -- Global Post
HRW: Afghan Police Guilty of Serious Abuses -- Voice of America
Afghanistan militias and police “committing abuses” -- RAWA News
Afghan truck bomb hits US troops in Wardak -- BBC
77 U.S. troops injured in Taliban truck bombing -- L.A. Times
Nato military base attacked by suicide bomber in Afghanistan -- The Guardian
Taliban targets coalition base on eve of 9/11 anniversary -- CNN
Taliban Time Blast to 9/11 -- Wall Street Journal
NATO: 77 U.S. troops injured after Taliban hit Afghan coalition base -- CNN
Taliban claim Afghanistan truck bomb attack that wounded 77 US troops -- Yahoo News/Christian Science Monitor
FACTBOX-Security developments in Afghanistan, Sept 12 -- Alertnet
Operations Continue at Outpost After Attack -- US Department of Defense
US troops in Afghanistan mark 9/11 -- AFP
In Afghanistan, tie between 9/11 and the war often gets lost -- L.A. Times
PHOTOS: Commemorating Sept. 11 In Afghanistan -- NPR
In rural Afghanistan, many don’t know 9/11 -- CNN
US must stay in Afghanistan for 'long haul', says ambassador -- The Telegraph
U.S. casualties keep rising in Afghan war -- Ottawa Citizen
Six soldiers honoured for service in Afghanistan -- Montreal Gazette/Postmedia News
For some former Guantanamo detainees, present bleaker than past -- Washington Post
NATO progress in Afghanistan questioned -- Voice of Russia
Taliban office in Qatar approved by US -- The Australian/The Times
U.S. backs move to let Taliban open headquarters in Qatar in the hope of ending war in Afghanistan -- Daily Mail
U.S. Offers The Taliban New Middle East Headquarters -- Business Insider
Half a Trillion Dollars of Broken Afghan Dreams -- New York Times/Reuters
9/11 Recalled — Kabul -- Sharifullah Sahak, At War, New York Times
In Afghanistan, tie between 9/11 and the war often gets lost -- Laura King, L.A. Times
Ryan Crocker’s ‘strategic patience’ in Afghanistan -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post
World News Briefs -- September 12, 2011
Forces Stalled Near Gadhafi Stronghold Amid Reports Of In-Fighting -- CNN
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Libya's new leaders are moving to unite fractious, heavily armed bands of fighters under a singular control, even as the forces struggled Monday to take control of Moammar Gadhafi's last bastions of support.
The announcement Sunday by the head of the National Transitional Council followed reports of in-fighting and arguments amongst bands of fighters stalled outside the town of Bani Walid after encountering stiff resistance during an assault.
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Moqtada al-Sadr orders halt to attacks on US troops stationed in Iraq.
Many Iraqis have second thoughts as U.S. exit nears.
Mass grave in Iraqi town held bodies of 40 cabbies.
UN: At least 2,600 dead in Syrian uprising. U.N. office: Death toll in Syria reaches 2,600.
Yemeni forces are said to enter coastal city.
Turkey's Erdogan heads to Egypt, unnerving an embattled Israel.
Iran pledges to retaliate against potential strike.
Russia ready for more nuclear cooperation with Iran.
Suspected Kurdish rebels kill 5 in Turkey-military.
Indonesia sends troops to quell sectarian clashes.
Secret bid to arm Qaddafi sheds light on tensions in China government.
Japan asks Russia not to take 'provocative' military action.
Floods chaos worsens in Pakistan.
Air Force One flight plan posted on blog by Haneda air controller.
Tension rises between rebel and civilian leaders in Libya. Libyan civilians flee key Gadhafi stronghold. Libya: Gaddafi’s son Saadi flees to Niger.
Exclusive-at bay, captured Libyan spy chief defiant.
Tanzania ship sinks; 45 dead, hundreds missing.
Briton killed and wife kidnapped in Kenya.
Egypt says to toughen emergency laws.
Twin explosions in Nigerian central city of Jos injure two, military says.
Kenya fire: Nairobi pipeline blaze 'kills 100'.
Explosion at French nuclear site kills one, no leak.
Swedish police arrest 4 terror suspects.
UK's Cameron meets Medvedev, Putin in rare visit.
German General takes over NATO's Kosovo mission.
Russian plane crash: Last ice hockey team member dies.
Texas fire destroys 1,554 homes, 17 people missing.
Military jets safely escort NYC, Detroit flights.
Retired military general known as ‘iron fist’ a favorite in Guatemalan presidential election. Guatemala election: Perez Molina takes early lead.
In Venezuela crime spree, even hospitals are hit.
US official decries cartel attacks on Mexicans.
Fidel Castro speaks in Venezuelan TV interview.
Al-Qaeda militants 'crossing into Syria from Iraq'.
Panel upholds Al Qaida filmmaker’s life sentence.
Al-Qaeda weakened over last decade: Western officials.
American missiles kill 3 in northwest Pakistan.
GooglePleaseHireMe: Matthew Epstein looks for job, campaign goes viral.
Global stock markets down on debt fears as euro falls. Wall St opens lower on euro zone debt fears.
JPMorgan chief says bank rules ‘anti-US’.
Debt crisis: live.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 12, 2011
Next Step for Armed, Thinking Drones: New Laws -- David Axe, AOL Defense
On Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. military possessed just handful of robot aircraft. Today, the Air Force alone operates more than 50 drone "orbits," each composed of four Predator or Reaper aircraft plus their ground-based control systems and human operators. Smaller Navy, Marine and Army drones number in the thousands.
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Russia Sees 1,000 T-50 Sales -- Aviation Week
Russian army to start receiving new-generation tanks in 2014 -- RIA Novosti
Russia: Closing The Quality Gap -- Strategy Page
Venezuela Flying Russian Stealth Jets? -- Defense Tech
WikiLeaks on Shahbaz airbase: F-16s flew in, with guaranteed US presence at Pakistani base -- Express Tribune
No U.S. plane forced down by North Korea jamming: source -- Reuters
North Korean Jammer Forces Down U.S. Spy Plane -- Danger Room
U.K. Defense Sales Topped $35B in 2010 -- Defense News
France Plans Draft White Paper by Year's End -- Defense News
Morale in Britain's armed forces plunges to new low -- The Telegraph
MoD comes under fire after scrapping UK military barracks upgrade -- The Telegraph
U.S. frustrated with Canadian control of weapons exports: Cable -- Montreal Gazette/Post Media News
US Military Presence in the Asia-Pacific and the Implications for Australia -- Defence Talk
China 'to Build Bigger Aircraft Carrier' -- Chosun Ilbo
US still keeps mum about Taiwan F-16C/D sale -- Taipei Times
The U.S.’ Post 9/11 Weapons Tech -- Defense tech
JSF cost has several estimates, none solid -- Air Force Times
Army says it’s moving out on acquisition reform -- DoD Buzz
Odierno Outlines Priorities as US Army Chief -- US Department of Defense
Small military contractors flourished after 9/11 attacks -- L.A. Times
Officials investigate missing ammo at Fort Bragg -- Stars and Stripes/AP
Demands of war take toll on troops, families -- Stars and Stripes/AP
US should change military operation policy on terror war -- Billow Kerrow, The Standard
Terrorist WMD Strike Remains a Threat 10 Years After 9/11, Experts Say -- Global Security Newswire
Five ways 9/11 has transformed the US military -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor
In Search of the Next Big Attack, Long After 9-11 -- Cal Woodward,
Rumsfeld: Kept Pentagon open to send a message -- Stars and Stripes/AP
America Remembers 9/11 -- News Roundup
America Marks 10th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks -- ABC News
President Barack Obama closed a day of tributes and memorials with a paean to the resilience of the American people in the decade following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, saying that "nothing can break the will of a truly United States of America."
Obama spoke of the men and women who have chosen to sign up for military service in the last decade, saying that too many of them "will never come home" from tours abroad.
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More News On America Marking The 10th Anniversary Of 9/11 Attacks
9/11: Ten Years On -- BBC
9/11 anniversary: Obama calls for a future with hope -- BBC
Hope and heroism: Obama hails post-9/11 resilience -- AP
9/11 anniversary: President Obama's reading at World Trade Center -- L.A. Times
Obama pays respects to 9/11 dead at Shanksville, PA, memorial honoring victims of Flight 93 -- Washington Post
Obama, Bush and Clinton lead the United States in 9/11 tributes -- Washington Times
N.Y.C.: Moments of silence at ground zero -- CBS
America Marks 10 Years Since Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks -- Voice of America
America Grieves, Reflects -- Wall
At Sept. 11 sites, a powerful day of remembrance -- L.A. Times
In Pennsylvania, a Wall of Names -- New York Times
10th anniversary of 9/11 in New York -- USA Today
Water, emotions flow at Ground Zero memorial -- Seattle Times/New York Times
Photos: Victims of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 remembered -- National Post
September 11 Memorial Opens To The Public For The First Time
Work on the signature reflecting pools continued at the 9/11 Memorial in lower Manhattan in late July. Water will disappear into the void created by the square opening (c.). A dedication is scheduled for Sept. 11. Ann Hermes/Staff
September 11 Memorial Opens To Public -- CNN
(CNN) -- The National September 11 Memorial opens to the public Monday -- a decade and a day after terror attacks brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.
The memorial opened a day early on Sunday only to victims' family members and those attending the commemoration service at ground zero.
"We're so proud of this memorial," said Monica Iken, who lost her husband Michael in the attacks. "I can go see Michael. He's home."
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More News On New York City's 9/11 Memorial Being Open For The First Time
9/11 memorial plaza in NYC to open to public -- AP
9/11 anniversary: National Memorial in New York opens -- BBC
National September 11 Memorial unveiled for 9/11 tenth anniversary -- New York Daily News
9/11 anniversary: a lasting legacy for the Ground Zero victims -- The Telegraph
New memorial salutes courage in face of fear -- Detroit free Press
10 years after 9/11, a real home to honor victims -- AP
9/11 Memorial: At site of terror, a site of grace -- Ron Scherer, Christian Science Monitor
My Comment: This is a no-brainer, but I predict that this memorial will become New York City's #1 tourist attraction.
A U.S. Naval UAV Fleet?
USN Wants To Replace F-35s With UAVs -- Strategy Page
September 11, 2011: Six months after the U.S. Navy’s first full size combat UAV made its first flight, the U.S. Navy leadership has ordered naval aviation leaders to examine the possibility of reducing orders for the new F-35B and F-35C, and use that money to buy the new X-47B, and similar robotic combat aircraft. That move was probably helped along by DARPA (the Department of Defense’s research organization), which earlier this year decided to explore development of robotic ground support aircraft. This program involves two separate efforts. In one, DARPA will turn F-16s, F-18s and A-10s into unmanned ground support aircraft, to see if they can perform as well as the manned versions. In addition, DARPA will seek designs that improve on the performance of the current MQ-9 Reaper. DARPA wants its experimental aircraft operating within two years. The navy currently plans to buy 680 F-35B and F-35C aircraft, for (on average) $100 million each. A UCAS (Unmanned Combat Aerial System) costs less than half that, and provides most of the same capabilities.
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Update: US Navy Wants To Replace F-35s With X-47B and other full size UAVs -- Next Big Future
My Comment: This is news that the F-35 manufacturers do not want to hear.
9/11 Pentagon Remembrance -- News Roundup
Victims Honored at the Pentagon -- NBC Washington
A moment of silence was held at 9:37 a.m. - the time when hijacked Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon ten years ago.
The country's political and military leadership was on hand at a ceremony to honor those who died in the terrorist attack, as well as those who responded in the moments that followed.
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More News On 9/11 Remembrance Ceremonies At The Pentagon
Victims Honored at the Pentagon -- NBC Washington
9/11 anniversary: Nearly 1,000 mourn terror deaths at Pentagon -- L.A. Times
At Pentagon, Remembering 9/11 -- Wall Street Journal
Attack On Pentagon Marked -- NPR
President and First Lady Visit Pentagon -- ABC News
Obama Pays Respects at Site of Pentagon Attack -- Voice of America
Obama lays wreath at Pentagon Memorial -- CBS
Obamas honor dead at Pentagon 9/11 memorial -- AFP
At Pentagon Biden honors "9/11 generation" -- CBS
Biden: Attacks Galvanized New Generation Of Patriots -- NPR
Biden Honors Victims, Families, Service Members -- U.S. Department of Defense
9/11 'inspired a generation of patriots' says Vice-President Joe Biden at Pentagon memorial service -- The Telegraph
Biden praises '9/11 generation' -- UPI
Memories of Sept. 11 echo at rebuilt Pentagon -- AP
Ceremony honors fallen heroes and soldiers at Pentagon 9/11 Memorial -- Washington Examiner
At the Pentagon, a sense of community -- Mercury News/New York Times
Former President Clinton's 9/11 Speech
My Comment: An excellent speech from former President Clinton. Probably one of his best.
Former French Government Was Up For Sale
Jacques Chirac, left, and Dominique de Villepin, right, are alleged to have regularly received suitcases stuffed with millions of francs Photo: REUTERS
Jacques Chirac 'Given Briefcases Of Election Cash By African Leaders' -- The Guardian
Former French president and his premier Dominique de Villepin given millions in notes to fund elections, Africa expert alleges
African leaders regularly gave briefcases of cash to Jacques Chirac, the former French president, and Dominique de Villepin, the former prime minister, to fund election campaigns, an Africa expert close to President Nicolas Sarkozy has claimed.
The allegations sparked a fresh row over the role of shadowy middlemen and dirty money in French dealings with Africa. The system known as françafrique, in which kick-backs, petro-dollars and privileged relations defined Paris's foreign policy, is back in the spotlight in the run-up to next year's presidential campaign.
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More News On Corruption Accusations Against The Former French President
Ex-French pres Chirac faces corruption accusations -- AP
Jacques Chirac 'regularly received cash from African leaders' -- The Telegraph
Chirac and De Villepin 'given $20m by African leaders' -- BBC
African leaders gave Chirac 'briefcases of cash': claim -- AFP
African leaders sent briefcases full of cash to Chirac, lawyer says -- The Independent
Chirac and de Villepin accused over cash -- Financial Times
French ex-leaders 'got $20mn' from African colonies -- AFP
Israel Facing A 'Different' Arab World
Israel Facing 'Diplomatic Tsunami' With Arab Neighbors -- McClatchy News
JERUSALEM — The attack on the Israeli embassy in Cairo has brought into sharp relief Israel's increasing isolation in a still region grappling with the changes of the Arab Spring.
Israel was forced to evacuate its ambassador and most of its diplomatic staff from Cairo this weekend after hundreds of Egyptian protesters tore down a security wall protecting the Nile-side embassy, ransacked its files and burned an Israeli flag. It came less than a week after Turkey, Israel's other major ally in the Muslim world, announced it was expelling the Israeli ambassador and downgrading its relationship to the lowest possible level after a deadly skirmish involving a Turkish aid vessel that was attempting to deliver supplies in defiance of Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip.
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My Comment: Israel's strained ties with the Arab world will only get worse as more Islamic leaning governments emerge, and unlike their former sectarian governments, harbor no desire to accommodate and/or co-exist with Israel as their neighbor.
Lincoln's Letter To Mrs Lydia Bixby Read On 9/11 Ceremony
'The Cherished Memory Of The Loved And Lost': Bush Reads Out Abraham Lincoln Letter To Mother Whose Five Sons Died In Civil War -- Daily Mail
Former U.S. President George W Bush read a letter today written by Abraham Lincoln as he addressed the families of thousands of victims killed on 9/11 this morning.
Commemorating the sacrifices of those lost in the horrific terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Bush cited Lincoln's letter to Mrs Lydia Bixby, penned in 1864.
The text, regarded highly among Lincoln's finest works of writing, addresses a bereaved mother of five sons who were thought to have died while fighting for the Union in the Civil War.
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My Comment: I first heard the letter in the movie "Saving Private Ryan". Gives me goose pimples every-time that I hear it.
Turkey Wants Predators To Fight Kurdish Rebels
U.S. Considering Ankara’s Request To Base Predators In Turkey To Fight A Kurdish Group In Northern Iraq -- Washington Post
The Obama administration is considering a request from Turkey to base a fleet of Predator drones on Turkish soil for counterterrorism operations in northern Iraq, a decision that could strengthen a diplomatic alliance but drag the United States deeper into a regional conflict.
The U.S. military has flown the unarmed Predators from Iraqi bases since 2007 and shared the planes’ surveillance video with Turkey as part of a secretive joint crackdown against fighters from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK. Unless a new home for the Predators is found, however, the counterterrorism partnership could cease by Dec. 31, when all U.S. forces are scheduled to withdraw from Iraq.
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My Comment: They will not say it publicly, Turkey wants a prid pro quo for basing NATO's anti-missile defense radar in their country.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Weekend Sewing.....
I did some sewing this weekend!!! I worked on some wonky stars for Little M.
Eight done...
And quite a few cut and ready to sew.
We also went apple picking. Soooo much fun. Fresh apples, warm donuts and cold cider!! Yummy!
I finished my first block for my Winter Wonderland quilt. Not sure if I mentioned this before but when I pick my daughter up from school I like to arrive early to get a "good" parking spot. That leaves me with some time. Time to enjoy the quiet, feel the breeze with my car windows open and work on my embroidery.
Hey, I like redwork!! You never have to make a decision about what color to use! LOL!!
Have a wonderful day
PS It is a Wantobe day. Head over to Sew We Quilt and good luck!
Editor's Note
Because of travel and a project that I am working on now, blogging will be regular but light for the entire week. My usual features of Military and Intelligence News Briefs, World News Briefs, and Afghanistan War News Updates will return tomorrow.
9/11 Tribute - Unbelievable - Celtic Battle Music by Cynthia Cathcart
The World's Geekiest License Plates
The World's Geekiest License Plates
The opportunity presented by vanity plates is so often wasted by those who would put their actual name on their car. Or worse, those who put the name of their car on their car -- e.g. "MY BMW." Even those who put some generic message in there, like "HCKYFAN." Yawn. I have much more respect for those drivers who give us a little more insight into who they are, what really forms the foundation for their identity as a person -- even if that thing is Debian Linux.
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