Thursday, September 30, 2010

Still a Chance......

"Tomorrow, Tomorrow, your only a day away"!!!!!!
Still a Chance to win the

Accuquilt "Go"


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Go" Giveaway......


just because there seems to be a lot of comments for a chance for the

Accuquilt "Go"

It only takes one to


Enter HERE!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Central and South America: Ancestral Flying Machines Part 3

In the image above we can see what aztecs and mayans called "the feathered serpents". We see a individual inside some kind of control room of a spacecraft or airplane, with a headset, controls and monitor; the whole thing. We see this man seated in a specific position for spacecrafts.

This image is a treasure in the world of archeology; it shows both literal aspects, such as a monitor, headset and controls, and also shows the metaphorical meaning of a "snake"or "dragons". We can see here the man inside the serpent. They assigned the name "feathered" because their ability to fly and reach the stars.

In fact, the first emperors of China "came with their dragons to Earth", and after landing the emperors "came out from the entrails of the dragon". Ancient writings tell us they had the ability to go everywhere, with their dragons. After his descent, the first emperor of China unified the language and writing and much more. They practically came to solve the problems of the human population and then leave, in their dragons.

This stele was found in La Venta, a Place where Olmecs used to live. And there is a very polemic comparisson with Lucifer, "The Serpent Cherub". Lucifer in not an arachangel. He is a cherub (Ezekiel 28). He is the "Flying Serpent Cherub".

Lucifer was one of the five original Cherubim. Some scholar says, these, were golden winged machines. So, this cherubs carry the three-dimensional part of God through space in our three dimensional universe.

Each cherub represented the highest of all flesh and blood created; the pre-fall serpent, lion, eagle, ox and man. Ezekiel describes the four remaning cherubim in great detail (Ezekiel 1:1-28).

Curious image taken by Google Earth.

Now, Isaiah referred to them as the "Seraphim", wich means "The Burning Ones". John described them as the "Zoa" or living creatures. John, Ezekiel and Isaiah´s description proves this as they are describing the same four creatures surrounding God´s throne.

God´s throne sat upon the pentagon-shaped base. The points of the star pointed to each cherub. thats why upside-down, encircled pentagram is used by "devil" worshipers as it depicts the "fallen" cherub instead of the originall covered at the top.

Scholars point that each cherub has a monitor in its midsection. This hypotesys explain how John saw through these television what he saw in Heaven. That´s how he saw the future.

Moche God Aiapaec (Peru)

Lucifer was known as the legendary Moche God Aiapaec; this name means "Winged Decapitator". In Peru this god demanded human sacrifices, the Cie-quich and Alaec ofered young warriors in beautiful temples such as Huaca de la Luna, Huaca del Brujo and more.

Central an South America legends abound with stories of this god that decapitated entire tribes of men with his sword of revolving fire (machingun), known as "Xiuhcoatl", The Fire Serpent. This Aztec god is also known as the god of fire and lord of the year.

The Calina Carib tribe in Surinam, in South America, still have myths of a fiery serpent that came from the Pleiades and "brought the world to and end" with "a great fire and deluge".

Very curiously, there is a hebrew legend that the grat flood was caused after "the upper waters rushed trough the sapce left when God removed two stars out from the constellation Pleiades". Incredibly enough, the jews believed this occurred on a date corresponding to November 17, while the Aztecs, on the other side of the world, held their "New Fire Ceremony" on November 14. Coincidence?

In other names Lucifer was also known by in South and Central American legends as "Tezcatilpoca" and "Quetzalcoatl".

I dont know you, but this guy looks like a mech warrior, I mean, seriously, he did carry all those guns and equipment on him, and his right foot looks robotic, like a prosthesis.

This god is also known has the god of death and darkness.Tezcatilpoca means "smoking mirror", wich describes an object that enabled him to observe the activities of men and gods from afar. A monitor perhabs?

Now, back to the flying machines. The mayans ball player were needed of breathing tubes and helmet, but why, if this sport was played in the Earth, or not?

Mayan Ball-Player

Another godly being with a breathing tube is shown on this pre-classical stele from Tikal. The god Ganesha is revered on the other side of the Earth, in India. Even is shown with a "trunk". Ganesha, also known as Vinayaka or Ganapathi, is the son of Shakti and Shiva (his name means "guardian of creation"). He is the great lord of obstacles and lord of beginnings.

Palenque, one of the Maya cities in the primordial forest of Chiapas (Mexico), the lord "Pacal" is displayed in his "Thunderbird".

"And as Guadakeça, endowed with intelligence, thought about it, the vehicle came, with lots of radiance, steered by Matali, the clouds parted and the firmament lit and the heavens filled with its rattle, deep like the roar of powerful clouds"

- Mahabharata, Indian Epic

In the Brazialian rainforest for example, the same origin of the visitors from heaven is also linked to "Beb-Kororoti", a revered being of the Kayapo Indians. The similarity with an astronaut is his overalls is astonishing.

To conclude this article I leave you with an extract from the Jweish Cabbala:

"The inhabitants of the world of Nezah eat bushes and plants that dont need to be planted.
They are from small growth and have two holes in the head instead of a nose... 
They can see a red sun on their world."

We were never alone. 
And that is beautiful.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Look at What I Made!!!

Did I mention that I love my

Today I used the 1 1/2 inch strip die. I cut a fat quarter and look at all the strips I made, and that was all the leftover fabric. I woukld have trimed more to straighten the edge.

Then I took some scraps and also cut those. Again, look at what was left. Not all the waste you would think, right??

Here is the block I made...

Total time...

One Hour!!

Now do not forget that you have a chance to win a
"Go" from Accuquilt.

Enter on THIS POST!!

The Vimanas: Ancestral Flying Machines Part 2

"We saw something in heaven that resembeled a scarlet cloud,
like the gruesome flames of a burning fire. A monstrous,
black Vimana emerged,shooting gaudy lightend projectiles.
The noise sounded like a thousand drums
beating at the same time. The Vimana approached the ground with
incomparable speed and shot thousands of golden projectiles,
followed with huge explosions and hundrends of fiery wheels.
A terrifying panic took over."

- Mahabharata, Book of Karnaparvan

Today I will let you the reflection about this anologys between ancient texts and modern technology. Hindu texts speaks very clearly about astonishing events their ancestors witnessed, and with their basical knowledge they tryed to explain the things they saw and lived. Please, open your eyes, this is not a trick. Our history is divine and fascinating.

Mahabharata - The Indian Epic

"Bhima flew with his Vimana to a monstrous beam that had the glare of the Sun, its sound like the thunder of a storm!"
 - Mahabharata, Indian Epic

"Under Shiva´s command, the Maya constructed a city of steel as a spacious space vehicle, called Saubha" 
- Bhagavata-Purana

"The Sun looked as if it was turning a circle, Scorched with the blaze of the weapon, the Earth staggered from the heat. Elephants burned and ran all over...The bluster of the fire destroyed the trees...horses and wagons burned, it looked like after a terrifying fire. Thousands of wagons were destroyed then a deep stillness came over the Earth, it was a frightening view.

The bodies of the fallen were mutilated from the terrifying heat that they didnt look like people anymore. Never before did we seen this sort of gruesome weapon, and never before did we see hear of such a weapon...Its like a blazing lightning, a devastating messenger of death, bringing down all relatives of Vrischni and Andhaka into ashes. The dead bodies were unrecognizable.

Hair and nails feel out. Pots broke for no reason, the surviving birds were white. Food turned to poison in a short time. The lightning buried it and turned it into fine dust...This unerring weapon will kill all unborn children...

All children that were born were already dead."

-Mahabharata, Indian Epic

Hindu Temple Wall

 Look at the size of that Insect....


Space Ship

"And the heavenly city of Indra, that Arjuna reached, was charming... Arjuna saw other heavenly vehicles, thousands, all had the power to go everywhere
strung to their places...
What is seen as a star design from the Earth, like lamps beacuse of the huge distance, are actually huge bodies."

-Mahabharata and the Ramayana

"An apparatus that can move forward on its own power like a bird: on the ground, on water or in the air, known has Vimana, that can rise through the heaven: from place to place, country to country or from World to World, known as Vimana, from the priests of science."

- From Vaimanika-Sastra

Feeling lonely? 
Dont be.

A Song of Hope and Pain

"Oh, great parents,

who after having selected fruits sown

on a barrel and uneducated planet

you have abandoned us like flowers without dew...

Guardians of a growing earth,

come to you this song of hope and pain...

The crops are ripe,

the trees have grown and produced

in abundance...

Our duty is over.

The children of our children,

born in the wake of a foreign land,

will forget - perhabs - your promise...

But we, the fruit of the wisdom coming of Heaven,

we did not erase from our minds the faces of the parents.

And every day and every night that this planet provides

attentive we scrutinize the clouds,

waiting to see you coming back on the trucks of fire,

to pick up what you have left behind."

- Ancestral Quechua Song

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Feathered Serpents: Ancestral Flying Machines Part 1

"And the spirit lifted me aloft, and I heard behind me a roar like from a huge earthquake, as the glory of the Lord lifted itself from its location"

- Prophet Ezekiel, Old Testament.

All along the history of man kind we have recolected astonishing data proving the existence of the "Vimanas" (Mahabarata), the "Feathered Serpents" (American Natives), the "Dragons" (China), and the Kingdom of Heavens on Earth, our parents were not creating all this just because. The interaction with superior life forms is not a lie, its quite the truth we refuse to acept. Before them we were not human, we became human because of them. And they all promised a return, one day.

I will tell you the story of the Phaeton, the son of the Sun God Helios:

Phaetnon, son of the Sun God Helios, ha a free wish from his father. Phaetnons wished to drive the heavenly vehicle of his father. 

The father was disturbed beacuse the heavenly vehicle can only be driven by the sungod. It is too powerful and quick and cannot be driven by anyone else. 

Helios Feared something would go wrong and suggested to his son,-you can never drive it-, but Phaeton stuck on his wish.

The fear was realized, the vehicle traveled at great speed toward the heaven and crashed.

            Look well, 
                            there are airplanes
  all over our ancient history.....       







Archeolgical Findings

The Golden Jewerly in this picture is from Columbia natives. The test to reveal their age are inexact because of the gold, but the experts say that we can be sure at this jewerly have more than 1,000 years.

"It is a privilige to control a flying machine. The knowledge of a flying is a part of our oldest heritage, a present from someone from above. We received it as a tool to save many lives."

- Hakata, The Babylonian Laws

"Who are those who fly in the clouds like doves?"

- Book of Isaiah, Chapter 60, par. 8

"A voice called:The Lord prepared the way in the desert, our God made a flat path from a steppe! All valleys should rise, and all mountains hills should lower, and what was not even, became straight, and what was hilly, became flat; because the glory of the Lord should be seen!...The grass seared, the flowers wilted; beacuse the Lord blew in there."

- Isaiah,Old Testament, chapter 40, par. 3-7

Nazca desert, Peru