Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

vintage  happy new year Pictures, Images and Photos
Wow, where did this year go!!! I cannot believe we are in 2010!
I think I have mentioned this before but just in case, I love to make lists. I like to write something down I have done just to mark it off my list!! Weird, I know, but if it is not written down, it does not happen. So, with that in mind I have made a small list of goals for 2010.

Quilt Goals….

** Emily’s Wedding Quilt

** Em’s future MIL table-topper

** Finish 3 UFO’S

** Start and FINISH 3 new projects.

** Try a new technique.

** Try VERY hard to use just my stash (notice I said try)!

** Swaps of course!!

Blogging Goals…

** Have fun!!

** As the Girl Scout song goes…”Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold”

** Personal goals....
I will not bore you with those!

This will be posted on my sidebar. Hopefully to be accomplished and because I love lists, I may just add to it!!

I hope all your goals, dreams and wishes come true for 2010.

Did someone say Sale?

Let’s see, where to start?

I know look at what I ordered from Michele at CalicoDaisy

I love this so much, it could not be any cuter! She does wonderful work. Check her store for your own goodies!

Scrap bags, I love them ! I love that what someone thinks is a scrap could be a treasure.
Terri at Sew Fantastic has super scraps bags, take a peek at these…..

I would not call these scraps!! She has some left so hurry to her store.

My next on-line stop was Kathy at Pink Chalk Fabrics. They are also having a great sale.

Now, I know many of us were playing BINGO at the Jolly Jabber. One of the days they had a prize of the Moda Sampler; well I did not win, so what is a girl to do?, why buy one!!
At a great price, they are also having a sale.

Whew!!! I think this and the Wedding Quilt will last me quite a while, unless there is a sale of course!!!

On a small personal note, thank you for a year of fun, friends, swaps, (LOVE THEM), gifts, advice, kindness, caring, you know friendship!!
Happy New Year and for 2010 I hope all your dreams and wishes come true.
Be safe tonight!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Before I show you what goodies I bought at the quilt stores, I would like to show you a win, I had over the Holidays.
This beautiful Christmas Table-Runner from Abby Lane Quilts. I love it and it looked perfect on the table! Thank you again!!

Also, Maggie and I make candy every year; here is a picture of our treats.

On to the stores…

First from Tammy Tadds and yes, she was there and we did speak. Very nice gal!
I just love this Christmas Line, so of course I got more! Who could say no when it was on sale.

Speaking of no, there was no way I could pass up these wonderful dots!! I just love the colors.

On a different day our LQS was having a super sale, yes, it was snowing, (hard) but neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow would keep us from a SALE!!!!
Patterns, some half price, some on sale.
I know Halloween is well over, but look at this Frankie, he had to come home!

They also had a tree in the store that was decorated with these cute mittens. The pattern, floss, and felt, all for $8!!! Yep, it came home too!

In addition, this candle mat. Pattern, felt, and beads, $5!! You guessed it, home it came!

Now, how do you go to a fabric store and not get fabric?
I bought some Fat Quarters. I just fell in love with the birds.

Now, that was my store buying……..


I did plenty of cyber shopping too!! As soon as it all arrives, I will show you what I purchased.

Have a happy day!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


How fun, Christmas 2009 has come and gone. It was wonderful. Just what you would want from a holiday. Family, family and more Family. Fun, friends, food, laughter and even what I did not want, SNOW!! Boy did we here in Illinois get SNOW. I live in the wrong state!
Goodies, did I say goodies, yes we got those too. I new game for Wii, where Maggie woke up the next day with Wii wrist!!
Wonderful thought gifts were given and received.
Speaking of thoughtful, Nanette of Freda’s Hive, is such a caring, thoughtful and kind lady. If you do not know her, run, do not walk to her blog, you will be so inspired. I was so fortunate to receive a gift from Nanette, as you can see, there was one of her amazing handmade ornaments, a ring pincushion, how neat is that? and, some of her vintage fabrics. Her fabric collection is really something and how kind of her to share. Thank you for your gift, your friendship and to another year of blogging.

Sad news, Elaine (AKA Truffle Queen) left today for Florida; until the end of May!! Not only is she a dear friend, she is my quilting buddy!! I was going to make quick stop at her house to grab a pattern and some quilting books, but, my husband,and Maggie came with, well we then went to get pizza with Elaine, her hubby and oldest daughter! Now if you knew Elaine, you never leave her house empty handed, that went for this day too!! tons of homemade cookies and of course her mouth watering truffles. Now before she left we did take one last trip to Tammy Tadds and our LQS (in the snowstorm) to take a peek at the sale fabrics!
Tomorrow, I will show you what I got on those trips.

2010 is just around the corner!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

What a night!!!!!

Oh my goodness, what a time we had!!! I have seen Barry many times but this show was amazing!! He did all our old favorites and many Christmas songs. My glow stick was waving, my feet were tapping, my hands were clapping and I was dancing!! I will say the girls had a wonderful time too!!~ They were singing and dancing just like everyone else. They knew all the songs as they were raised listening to them. It was an absolutely marvelous time.
Thanks sweetie, for the best Christmas gift!!

I would like to end this post saying….

From our family to yours
We wish you a happy, safe and blessed Holiday Season
And A Happy New Year!
See you in 2010!!!

Hugs to all!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My husband….

My husband….
Gave me an early Christmas gift. Now to many of you younger girls you will now the truth about me; I am a complete nerd. Really, hard to believe? I know. But it is true.
Oh, the gift, he got tickets for the girls and I to go see this man.


I started to watch him when he was this old…

and I will adore him forever…

I have been lucky enough to see him many times; once in Vegas!
I have never seen him with the girls. They have no idea how I will act. Thanks heavens I do not embarrass them, because I will be dancing, singing, clapping and whooping it up, all through the concert.
Just is case you do not know this legend (how, you do not know blows my mind) this is the legendary.
Barry Manilow!!

Friday, December 18, 2009



When I started my on-line store, KPK fabrics were very popular and I love bright colors, so most of more store carried that fabric. I have boxes of end of bolt pieces and Maggie decided to raid the boxes. This is what she made.

She is not a hand quilted as of yet, so she tied the quilt with floss.

She also picked out the binding from my stash and “allowed” me to add and stitch her binding. How kind of her; as we all now it is the BEST part of quilting. What a kind daughter!!

Little T also got into the action and helped Grandma picked out some special fabrics. He had such fun!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dear Santa.....

If you head over to the Jolly Jabber and send a letter to Santa, he is magical and can make fun things happen!!

Dear Santa, How are you? How are Mrs. Clause, the elves, and the reindeer? I know that this is a very busy time for you but if you happen to fly over my house and feel inclined to drop Pretty Pink Love U Fat quarter Bundle down my chimney, I would be ever so grateful!

Oh, you want to know if I have been nice this year. Let’s just keep that open for discussion!
Love and hugs, Janie

Little T....

The True Meaning….

As I was getting out my Christmas Decorations, I found our children’s Nativity set. I put all the figures out and little T went right to baby Jesus. If you put out four or five and ask him to get baby Jesus he does! Not only is he a genius, but he knows the true meaning of Christmas!!

Have a wonderful day!